This is The People First Newsletter - we're just doing some tidying up. When we are done, I'll tell you all about it.
I left you hanging didn’t I? A little bit?
Here’s where we got to, concluding with the thought that
‘Religion is part of culture and that religion is absolutely not part of culture.
This short offering is to explore the idea that Religion runs over (pun absolutely intended) all 4 Human Forces and yet religion doesn’t.
If you are paying attention, you will spot the judicious use of ‘R’and ‘r’ - and I fully accept that this is in no way an original thought, but maybe a couple of pictures might be?
‘Big R’ is part of culture
… and conflict and politics and business. You just need to look around you. It’s very hard to argue that ‘Big R’ doesn’t straddle (if not on occasions entirely engulf) the four ‘forces of humanity’ - even in countries that proudly declare the ‘separation of church and state’ to be a ‘fundamental tenet’.
‘Little r’ is not
‘Little r’ is a little tougher. It seems to - and then it doesn’t. We observe inconsistencies. And then just as we understand why - we find consistency. ‘Little r’ sits outside of our world and yet is simultaneously part of it.
In short ‘Little r’ is very much part of society and culture and very much not - consistently inconsistent with the fundamental consistencies that never change.
The picture?
I could spend a couple of paragraphs explaining that image, but if you are really interested in how it comes to be, behold … a link!
Beyond society and culture, ‘Little r’ is very much part of people1. All people. Showing up in different ways, behaving in a way that we understand and don’t at the same time, which reminds me of two lovely quotes.2
.. and to lighten the cognitive load a little …
That’s it for this one. As with part one, slightly different fayre to usual - but it does all connect. Really. See you over in part three.
Easy …
Please share far and wide with friends, family and colleagues.
Though they might avoid using the word - because of this
We know it was good because Orwell seems to have ‘borrowed it’ a decade or so later!